29 janeiro, 2009

Strike Over!

Finalmente!! Acabou a greve dos ônibus!

Essa história da greve daria um post enorme, explicando o que tem acontecido e os motivos. Mas sugou escrever.. o que importa é que acabou!

Notícia do jornal há 5 min.

OTTAWA — With the imminent threat of federal legislation hanging over their heads, the city and its transit union reached an agreement Thursday evening to send all the outstanding issues in the seven-week OC Transpo strike to binding arbitration.

The strike by 2,300 members of Amalgamated Transit Union Local 279 is over immediately.

At a news conference in Mayor Larry O'Brien's office, Mr. O'Brien and union officials André Cornellier and Randy Graham came together to announce that with federal back-to-work legislation seeming inevitable, they decided it was in the interests of Ottawa residents to come to an agreement and get the buses rolling again.

Asked why Ottawa residents had to go through 51 days of suffering before this, they said an agreement simply couldn't be reached without the threat of legislation.

Um comentário:

thiago disse...

Que bom, tem colchão e onibus agora! Tudo dando certo =)